Getting more people, more active, more often! Active Schools in East Lothian is bursting at the seems with great activities for school pupils to take part in so get involved and be part of something big!
Active Schools East Lothian is a joint initiative between East Lothian Council and sportscotland. The programme was identified as a key element of the Scottish Executive\'s drive to get more people in Scotland active, a commitment outlined in the National Physical Activity Strategy.
The main aim of the Active Schools East Lothian is to offer school aged children the motivation and opportunities to adopt active, healthy lifestyles throughout their school years and into adulthood.
They do this by supporting and sustaining a network of volunteers, coaches, leaders and teachers who in turn deliver extra curricular physical activity and sport before, during and after school and in the wider community.
To help our volunteers we provide training opportunities .
\'More People, More Active, More Often\'
The Active Schools team consists of 5 primary, 7 secondary coordinators and Identified Young People Officer. All primary and secondary schools in East Lothian have a coordinator assigned to their school.
These coordinators are responsible for working in partnership with Schools, Sports Development and Local Clubs to increase the range of quality opportunities for pupils to become physically active.
Each primary coordinator is in charge of developing programmes for 5 to 9 schools in a cluster.
There is a full-time secondary co-ordinator in each High School responsible for developing sport and physical activity.
These co-ordinators develop extra-curricular programmes and assist with curricular delivery by offering alternative activities.
Interested in volunteering with Active Schools? Please contact your local Active Schools Co-ordinator for further information.
COVID-19 Update
Firstly, we hope you and your family are well, rest assured we are working hard to provide as many activities throughout East Lothian as possible.
As I am sure you can appreciate, things are a little more challenging than previous years, and we are adapting our programme to accommodate new guidelines and procedures to ensure you and your child’s health and wellbeing are at the forefront of our work.
We have adapted the Scottish Government, sportscotland and Scottish Governing Bodies guidelines to ensure a safe, and FUN environment for pupils, coaches, volunteers and activity leaders.
Best Wishes.
Your East Lothian Active Schools Team