
Community Sports Hubs

Active Kids and Adults

Here is your challenge........should you wish to accept it!

Active Kids and Adults

In our current Lockdown, it is possibly even more important that usual that we stay active.  Here are 2 plans you could follow - one is for those very able and one for those who may not have done as much in the past but would like to take this opportunity to get fit.  Strong body, strong mind!  Why not try them with your children - challenge them and see how many of each of the exercises they can do - record your results and, as you continue to complete these programmes as the days go on, see your progress - you will surprise yourself at how quick you will improve.

Good luck, stay safe, stay well



The Workout

“This workout is great for improving your level of fitness. “It consists of full body movements while working at around 80-90% of your maximal heart rate for a period of 30 seconds. This is followed by 15 seconds of rest and recovery; in which time you will get ready for the next exercise.


complete four circuits in total

Each of the six exercises is performed once per circuit. Between each circuit, take 90 seconds to rest and recover before you start the next one. You will complete four circuits in total.

The goal with this type of training is to match the intensity and energy in all four circuits. A great way to gauge this is to take a mental note of the number of reps you achieve on any given exercise during your first circuit and use that as a marker for your next three circuits.

1 Mountain climber

Time 30sec Rest 15sec

Drop into a press-up position, bring one knee up towards your chest and, without your foot touching the ground, immediately take it back to the starting position. As soon as you make it back to this position, power your other knee towards your chest and then back again. Alternate for 30 seconds. Try to avoid raising your hips. Imagine you have a glass of water balanced on your lower back – don’t let it spill!

2 Squat jump

Time 30sec Rest 15sec

This exercise is a more intense version of a normal squat, because you are adding an explosive jump.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Drop and sit into a squat position. The focus here should be on your hips moving backwards, while ensuring you do not bend your torso forwards. Try to keep both your back and shin bones vertical throughout the movement. From your squat, swing your arms and thrust yourself up into the air, landing softly.

3 Bicycle crunch

Time 30sec Rest 15sec

Lie flat on your back and raise your heels about 20cm off the ground. Cradle the back of your head with your hands and curl the top of your spine up a few centimetres off the floor. Turn your right elbow towards your left knee, while simultaneously looking to bring your left knee towards your right elbow. Trying to get the two body parts to meet in the middle, then take your knee and elbow back to the start position, and immediately perform the same movement with your left elbow and right knee. You should aim for a fluid motion and ensure your feet, neck and head do not touch the ground throughout.

4 Reverse lunge

Time 30sec Rest 15sec

Stand and bring your hands together in front of your chest, with the fist of one hand meeting the palm of the other. Take your right leg and step back a comfortable stride’s length, then lower your right knee– it should not touch the ground, but try to get as close to it as possible. Come back up to standing and repeat the movement on the opposite leg.

Ensure that your front knee is not coming further forwards than your toes. If it is, your stride backwards needs to be a little longer. If you are performing the move correctly, your thigh muscles should burn and each hip flexor should feel like it’s gently pulling.

5 Press-up

Time 30sec Rest 15sec

Start in a press-up position. Your chest, stomach and legs should be hovering above the ground. If you find it difficult to hold yourself in this position, bring your knees to the ground, and raise your feet in the air behind you to ensure you are still in a four-point holding position.

From here, bend your elbows and slowly lower, ensuring your chest and stomach do not touch the ground. When you are within a couple of centimetres of the ground, or at a point where you can feel the muscles in your chest and by your armpits pulling, push yourself back up. Elbows pointing to your feet – NOT out to the sides.

6 Star jump

Time 30sec Rest 90sec

Stand with your arms by your sides. Jump and simultaneously take both hands out so they are in line with your shoulders and spring your legs wide so they are more than shoulder-width apart. As soon as you land, jump back to your starting position.


Time 3min

A warm-down is important because it is a gradual and controlled way of lowering your heart rate and stretching the muscles that you have been working. You should look to stretch the muscles you have worked the most, so you’re not feeling as sore the next day.




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