
Community Sports Hubs

Keep Active

Train for Yourself

Keep Active

In this time of uncertainty, it is always good to remember that although things may be difficult, it doesn’t mean you can’t keep yourself fit, even if you are in isolation.

Exercise has been proven to help with a number of personal issues of Head, Body and Heart.

Just 5 minutes a day spent on each of these areas through fitness, will make you feel good and pass some time!

Here are some things you can do to help yourself:

Mind –

5 minutes to discuss with someone either in your home, through social media or by telephone the following questions:

What have I done today to make someone feel good?

What has someone done today to make me feel good?

Get in touch with people and chat, this could be a good time to rekindle friendships,

Explore the positives in your current situation.

Body –

5 minutes of some form of physical activity – skipping, dancing, weights, yoga moves, jog round the garden.

Heart –

Get outside and enjoy 5 minutes of fresh air – no need to be in contact with anyone else to achieve this. 

Take 5 – breathe in for the count of 4 and out on the 5th count.  Repeat this 5 times

Other things to try to keep your mental health in check are:

Practise the "Apple" technique to deal with anxiety and worries.

Stay Positive, Stay Healthy, Stay Happy, Stay Fit, Stay Well!


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