Junior Golf East Lothian SafeGolf Policies and Procedures
Junior Golf East Lothian is a virtual club affiliated to Scottish Golf and Safe Golf Accredited.
We have joined Scottish Golf's Safegolf accreditation scheme to help us ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone involved in junior golf.
A copy of Junior Golf East Lothian's Safeguarding Policy (Children) can be found HERE
A copy of Junior Golf East Lothian's Reponding to Concerns Policy can be found HERE
A copy of Junior Golf East Lothian's Concerns Respones Form can be found HERE
A copy of Junior Golf East Lothian's Junior Golfer Code of Conduct can be found HERE
A copy of Junior Golf East Lothian's Code of Conduct for Parents and Carers can be found HERE
A copy of Junior Golf East Lothian's Code of Condcuct for Coaches and Volunteers can be found HERE
A copy of Junior Golf East Lothian's Lone Worker Policy can be found HERE
A copy of Junior Golf East Lothian's Anti Bullying Policy can be found HERE
As our club is adminstered by East Lothian Council's Golf Development Officer we also adhere to the wider Edinburgh and the Lothians Multi-agency Child Protection Procedures which can be found HERE
Any queries re SafeGolf Accrediation can be directed to:
Duncan Watson, Safeguarding and Compliance Manager, Scottish Golf
T: 07812665164
e: d.watson@scottishgolf.org w: www.scottishgolf.org