Spotlight Volunteer Win For Jimmy Gallacher!
Congratulations on your award!
Jimmy is in his 70’s and is the leading light of Dunbar Table Tennis club where he has been coaching for 4 years. He is always first down to set up the tables and last out. He has completed his level 1 Table Tennis coaching award and uses this knowledge to support not only the adults but also does junior coaching at Dunbar Primary School. All this is voluntary, done with a smile and his input and impact to the community for both mental and physical wellness should not be understated.
Jimmy gives a considerable commitment of his time of 2 hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and 4 hours on Fridays as the club runs its junior session from 3:45-5:45 followed by an adult session 7-9.
Jimmy is well deserving of this award due to his commitment and dedication to the club.
Great work Jimmy and congratulations on your award!
Gareth Hill (Senior Active Schools Cordinator) made the presentation
All winners and nominees are inducted in to the Volunteer Role Of Honour
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